Vorbei, vorbei…
Yippieh! Vielen Dank, dass Ihr bei uns zu Gast wart und unser aller Wochenende zu so einem besonders schönen gemacht habt! Was für eine saucoole Stimmung… da scheint einem selbst bei mäßigem Sommer die Sonne aus dem Allerwertesten…
Gratulation allen Siegern!! Naja, irgendwie haben wir eh alle gewonnen!
Viele, viele FOTOS sind bereits online!! Darunter auch die Teamfotos, Massenninja, Divebahn, Finale usw.!
Weitere, ganz geile Spielaction-Fotos gibt’s auf der FB-Seite von Florian:
Hier die (sportlichen) Turniersieger Moscow Mule. Nochmal Gratulation!
Ausnahmezustand in Hannover:
Unser Sommerglühen GOES HAT in 2014!!!
– 16.-17. August
– 5 vs. 5 loose Mixed Turnier
– 16 Teams
– Playersfee: 15 (Frühstück, Party, etc. p.p was ihr so gewohnt seid!)
– Anreise: Freitag abend selbstverständlich
– viele, viele Spiele am Samstag & Sonntag
– viel Mega-extra Spaß (Divebahn, Trading Night, nackt duschen, Bierflascheweitwegstellen….)
Anmeldung auf Ffindr:
Some additional facts:
– Bring a light and a dark shirt!
– Arrival Friday after 19:00, Teamdrawing Friday 23:00
– Games start at 9:30 Saturday, Price ceremony is at 16:20 on Sunday
– Water: please bring own bottles to fill up with water. We will not have Teamwater or Canisters on the sideline. There are plenty of water fossids right at the fields. Good, clean and cold water.
– Sleeping: camping on site
– Party: Saturday evening on site
– Food: Saturday & Sunday the clubhost will be BBQing. There will also be the usual salad, cake & sweets that are provided by us.
– Saturday evening: you can choose to go out eating with your team (we will have a restaurantlist on site), or order food (Pizza, Pasta…) for delivery. YES – it is allowed to have food delivered to the fields. Just have a beer with it!
– BUT – no drinks other than what is provided by the innkeeper on site. Please DO NOT bring your own beer, cases of soda or else!!!
…what else!
– there will be a massive Waterslide, longest Throw competition, Mass Ninja and a Trading night Saturday night. For the trading night you can bring any Ultimate stuff you would like to trade….or sell. YES – you can sell your stuff for small money to those, that do not have much YET.
See you when you get here!